Go Hunting

Hunt All Natural Wild Pheasants
Before the hunt
All-natural wild pheasants are energy conserving creatures. They would rather sit than walk, walk than run, run than fly. What motivates them to move up the ladder of activity? Greed and fear. Greed for food, fear of danger. They feed twice a day, morning and evening, moving only as far as necessary to satiate. Maybe a little loafing on bare ground (or a gravel road) to soak up the sun. Then fly back to the roost when some distance from the food supply or walk back into nearby cover.
After the morning feeding, both hens and roosters return to secure cover, cattails, tall grasses, standing crops, trees with dense undergrowth but not necessarily together. Frequently a particular habitat will contain mostly hens while another will have mostly roosters. Next day may be opposite or may be devoid of either or may be balanced in numbers. A keen eye from a 1/2 a mile distant could warrant a change in strategy.
Into the field
The pheasant’s greed and fear dictate some general behaviors. An individual bird alone in a particular habitat will sit quietly waiting for any threat to go away or pass by. As long as sound and vision assure that the threat is not increasing, the strategy is to sit tight. If the senses indicate the threat is increasing, the strategy may switch to evasion. Walk or run away unnoticed. If the keen senses indicate the threat is still rising, and heaven forbid, one of those devil dogs is coming, it’s up, up, and away. If a threat is approaching and the pheasant is aware how near and what direction, and suddenly there is no more sensory input, (the threat went motionless and silent) over a few minutes time, anxiety will rise to trigger the flight response.
Now imagine this habitat with a hundred pheasants. Three side by sides rollup, 15 guns get out along with 3 devil dogs amid lots of commotion and laughter. What is the cumulative anxiety level of the 100 pheasants? What will they do? The first wave will depart immediately. The second wave will depart while everyone is scurrying to get into position. There could be 10 remaining that will sit tight hoping you walk right on by, and may flush behind the walkers


Scout, plan, approach, contain, control, count, limit out. What could be simpler?